Throne Day Speech: Seriousness, Dedication Are Royal Credo for Accompanying Socio-Enomic Change – Academic


HM King Mohammed VI’s Speech to the Nation on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Sovereign’s Enthronement is devoted in its entirety to the affirmation of Morocco’s strategic identity, based more specifically on the seriousness and sense of dedication of the Moroccan State and Moroccans, said M’hammed Belarbi, lecturer and researcher at Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech.

Constituting the framework of the Royal Speech, the seriousness evoked by HM the King is an integrated concept that covers a set of ideals and operating levers to endorse both the Kingdom’s domestic policy and international relations, Belarbi told MAP.

Thanks to its institutional, economic and security stability, Morocco is becoming a model of development and a major player in its region, he added, noting that the Kingdom, a secular country, is a Nation united around the monarchic institution, which guarantees the continuity and durability of the State.

Belarbi noted that, at a time when the national development dynamic has reached an advanced stage of maturity, the Sovereign has called on the nation’s driving forces to demonstrate the seriousness they are known for, in order to cross new thresholds on the road to progress, and to develop reforms and larger-scale projects worthy of Moroccans.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse