Two Israeli soldiers injured near the Ibrahimi Mosque due to a bomb explosion


HEBRON – Ma’an – Two Israeli female soldiers from the so-called “Border Guard” forces were injured on Monday evening at a military checkpoint near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, when a hand grenade exploded for an unknown reason.

The Israeli police reported that one female soldier was taken to the hospital, while the second female soldier received medical treatment on the spot.

The police said that the commander of the Border Guard ordered an investigation into the incident and its circumstances.

Local sources said that an Israeli female soldier was injured this evening, as a result of an explosion that occurred near the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Aref Jaber, an activist in the Human Rights Defenders Association, said that he heard an explosion near the Ibrahimi Mosque, and heard that a female soldier had been injured as a result.

He added that ambulances rushed to the scene and dozens of occupation soldiers were deployed in the area.

The nature of the explosion is not yet known.

Source: Maan News Agency