UAE summons the Swedish Chargé D’Affaires to strongly condemn continuation of the Swedish government’s allowance of attacks on copies of Holy Quran


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned the Chargé D’Affaires at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden to the UAE, and handed her an official note of protest against the repeated attacks and abuses on copies of the Holy Quran committed by extremists in the Kingdom of Sweden.

Moreover, the UAE strongly condemned the decision of the Swedish government to continue to allow such acts to occur. The UAE stressed that Sweden has disregarded its international responsibilities and demonstrated a lack of respect for social values in this regard.

The Ministry emphasized the importance of monitoring hate speech and expressions of racism that negatively impact peace and security. Furthermore, the Ministry expressed its rejection of the use of freedom of expression as justification for such heinous acts.

The Ministry underscored the UAE’s rejection of all practices aimed at undermining security and stability in contravention of human values and principles. The Ministry reaffirmed that hate speech and extremism contradict international efforts to spread the values of tolerance, coexistence and peace between peoples.

Furthermore, the Ministry stressed the need to respect religious symbols and avoid incitement and polarization at a time when the international community needs to work together to reaffirm a commitment to upholding the universal principles of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. The Ministry reemphasized that these principles should be promoted and implemented to achieve stability and sustainable development.

The Ministry underscored that the allowance of such heinous acts contradicts international norms and laws that prevent attacks on religions and religious symbols, and that hate speech and extremism contribute to the outbreak, escalation and recurrence of conflict worldwide.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation