UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser to QNA: HH the Amir’s Speeches Comprehensive, Focus on Joint Efforts


HE Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Public-Private Partnerships and Islamic Social Finance Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Muraikhi described the speeches of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani before the United Nations General Assembly as comprehensive. He added that these speeches address a range of issues, from security and peace to sustainable development and human rights, focusing on international cooperation and collective action, reflecting Qatar’s desire to facilitate dialogue between nations and seek collective solutions.

In an interview with Qatar News Agency , His Excellency added that the annual participation of HH the Amir at the UN General Assembly meetings highlights his deep concern for global issues. His Excellency added that the speeches of HH the Amir also demonstrate a clear vision of the problems and challenges facing the international community. His Excellency also said that this participation reflects His Highness’s commitment to actively contributin
g to finding solutions to regional and international crises.

HE the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General noted that HH the Amir consistently emphasizes the importance of exchanging views and expertise between nations, noting that this approach can contribute to developing effective strategies that support global development and address contemporary challenges, adding that the efforts of HH reaffirm the State of Qatar’s role as a key player on the international stage.

Regarding the State of Qatar’s contributions and its various roles in the UN General Assembly and its partnerships with the international organization and its agencies, Dr. Al Muraikhi said that the State of Qatar plays a prominent role in the General Assembly, striving to promote dialogue between nations and support humanitarian causes by emphasizing human rights and sustainable development.

He said that the State of Qatar has made significant contributions to UN discussions, and these participations highlight its commitment to interna
tional stability and peace.

He added that, through various partnerships, the State of Qatar has built strong relationships with international organizations, collaborating with UN bodies and agencies in education, relief, and development. He noted that this cooperation has enhanced Qatar’s influence in international decision-making, giving it a prominent voice on global issues.

His Excellency pointed out that the State of Qatar’s contributions extend to financial and technical support, investing in development projects in conflict-affected areas and providing aid to refugees and those in need, noting that the focus has been on achieving social and economic stability in these areas, making Qatar a key player on the international scene.

Regarding the State of Qatar’s humanitarian and developmental role through its various initiatives and partnerships with the United Nations, Dr. Al Muraikhi emphasized that Qatar plays a significant and distinguished role in both humanitarian and developmental fields. This is
evident through its numerous and fruitful partnerships with the UN and its different organizations. Through these partnerships, His Excellency said that the State of Qatar seeks to enhance and develop comprehensive and diverse initiatives aimed at improving living conditions for people worldwide, whether in education, health, or economic development.

He added that, through its ongoing efforts, the State of Qatar demonstrates its deep commitment to achieving sustainable development not only in the region but also globally, reflecting its vision as an active contributor to the well-being of societies.

His Excellency also noted that, through close cooperation with the UN, the State of Qatar contributes to the implementation of humanitarian programs that directly address various crises impacting numerous countries and peoples. These programs include providing emergency food and financial aid and offering diverse support to countries facing humanitarian crises.

The State of Qatar has also led many projects aime
d at achieving social justice and enhancing job opportunities for both citizens and residents. These efforts not only improve people’s lives and alleviate their suffering but also strengthen strategic relationships with other countries and organizations, promoting international cooperation.

He concluded by saying that the State of Qatar’s role in humanitarian and developmental initiatives is more than just a duty or a temporary commitment, but rather it is a fundamental part of its ambitious vision for the future, its focus on building constructive partnerships and its genuine desire to be a positive and inspiring force on the global stage. His Excellency added that, by continuously focusing on sustainable development and increasing investments in education and health, the State of Qatar seeks to create a lasting and profound impact that benefits future generations and enhances its ability to tackle future challenges with effectiveness and confidence.

On his views regarding the State of Qatar’s approach to
resolving disputes and conflicts through dialogue and diplomacy, HE Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Public-Private Partnerships and Islamic Social Finance Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Muraikhi, emphasized in an interview with Qatar News Agency that the state primarily relies on dialogue and diplomatic methods as an effective means of resolving disputes between countries. This approach is a fundamental part of its foreign policy. He added that it was no exaggeration to say that Qatar has demonstrated exceptional skill in using mediation in many regional and international issues, achieving notable successes in various fields. He added that these achievements reflect the country’s commitment to principles upheld by the United Nations such as promoting international peace and security, which highlights its genuine global ambitions. His Excellency noted that through effective negotiation and building bridges between different parties, Qatar managed to build a strong reputation and ga
in further respect within the international community. He added that the country has opened doors for dialogue and communication between different factions, providing an ideal environment for understanding and achieving lasting solutions. He noted that this has bolstered the State of Qatar’s position in international organizations, making its voice heard and influential on many global issues. The effective diplomacy it employs further enhances its power and prestige on the global stage, making it a center of international attention and a model for handling conflicts. Dr. Al Muraikhi highlighted that Qatar’s achievements in mediation reflect its growing role and positive influence in international relations, proving its status as a trusted mediator in resolving numerous conflicts. He added that the State of Qatar could play a high-value strategic role in its pursuit of peace, affirming that this success demonstrates that dialogue can be an effective alternative to conflict, showing the strength of diplomacy as
a means to achieve goals. By adhering to this approach, Qatar continues to progress toward a significant and central position on the global stage, and these efforts will undoubtedly leave a positive mark on the global political landscape. On the importance of UN General Assembly meetings and their role in finding solutions to the world’s crises, particularly regarding developments in the Middle East, Dr. Al Muraikhi said that the UN General Assembly’s meetings are among the most prominent and important global events today, drawing the attention of policymakers, experts, and those interested in international affairs. He added that these meetings provide a unique platform for all member states, large and small, to express their views and ideas, discuss complex and diverse issues reflecting their interests and challenges, and significantly contribute to building global understandings and consensus on crises affecting many countries worldwide, which facilitates international cooperation and stimulates collective
action. He explained that the General Assembly plays a pivotal role in finding solutions to current problems, especially those affecting the Middle East, which faces significant challenges ranging from conflicts to crises requiring urgent and effective international intervention. His Excellency said that when leaders from various countries gather, they can exchange ideas and opinions and seek new alliances to combat crises that negatively impact the stability of their countries and people. The meetings not only focus on dialogue but also open doors for cooperation and the strengthening of partnerships between nations, contributing to the formulation of effective policies aimed at addressing current issues. He revealed that by listening to diverse perspectives, the General Assembly could develop a clear and effective roadmap to help mitigate crises and strengthen efforts to achieve stability and security in the region and the world. Given the rapidly changing and current global circumstances, the importance of
these meetings becomes evident as they serve as a platform of great hope for people suffering from the devastation of wars and conflicts. Therefore, nations must utilize these meetings more effectively and seize available opportunities to make tangible progress on issues affecting the future of humanity. Regarding the ability of the UN General Assembly to bring about lasting solutions to the war in Gaza and stop the bloodshed, His Excellency told QNA that, while the General Assembly is an important international platform that can play a role in Gaza, its ability to bring about fundamental solutions depends on several factors. The first is that the Assembly needs consensus among member states, which can be difficult due to political differences and conflicting interests. The second is that the decisions made by the Assembly are not binding, meaning that the implementation of any proposed solutions depends on the will of the involved parties and international support. The third is that the issue requires addres
sing the root causes of the conflict, including political, economic, and humanitarian factors, which necessitates integrated efforts from all concerned parties. HE Dr. Al Muraikhi mentioned that the UN General Assembly has called for a comprehensive international peace conference on Gaza, aiming to bring together all parties involved in the conflict. This call is part of efforts to seek lasting solutions to the conflict and promote stability in the region. He maintained however that such initiatives require international cooperation, political will from all concerned parties, and support from the global community to achieve effective results, while the General Assembly can offer initiatives and recommendations, their success depends on collective action.

Regarding the reasons behind the United Nations Security Council’s inability to influence the situation in the Gaza Strip, His Excellency said in the interview with Qatar News Agency that there are several factors contributing to that outcome. The first is i
nternational division, as the Security Council is divided among member states, with some countries adopting opposing positions, preventing consensus. The second reason is the veto power, meaning that any decision can be blocked if one of the permanent members objects, and this tool is often used to impede decisions related to the war in Gaza. The third reason was the complexity of the conflict. His Excellency said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a long-standing and multifaceted issue, involving various political, social, and economic factors, making it difficult for the UN Security Council to make effective and swift decisions. Fourth is the reliance on non-binding resolutions, which limits the Security Council’s ability to enforce significant changes. Finally, the limited role of the UN in armed conflicts, as effective action requires the cooperation of the concerned parties. These factors collectively constrain the Security Council’s ability to effectively influence the situation in Gaza, His Excel
lency said. Dr. Al Muraikhi expressed his belief that while decisions and recommendations issued from international meetings, such as those held within the UN framework, are important tools for guiding discussions and raising awareness on global issues, several factors affect their ability to bring about real change. The most significant are the non-binding nature of most decisions, the lack of political will, the absence of international pressure, and public opinion influence. Nevertheless, he notes that despite their non-binding nature, such decisions can still guide discussions and promote efforts toward solutions, but actual impact depends on many factors, including political will and international cooperation. Regarding the key topics on the agenda of the current session of the UN General Assembly and the primary goals it aims to achieve, Dr. Al Muraikhi said that the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, which began in September 2024, includes several prominent topics. Among the most notable are inte
rnational security and peace, focusing on crises and armed conflicts worldwide, including the situations in Ukraine and the Middle East, climate change, sustainable development, global health, human rights, and food security. The main goals the General Assembly seeks to achieve include strengthening international cooperation, achieving peace and stability, working toward peaceful solutions to conflicts, enhancing security, promoting sustainable development, and protecting human rights. Regarding the importance of Islamic social financing initiatives and their role in achieving the development sought by the General Assembly, Dr. Al Muraikhi said that these initiatives play a significant role in promoting sustainable development, which is a primary goal of the General Assembly. Islamic social financing is based on Shariah principles that promote economic justice and social solidarity. Among the most prominent tools of this financing are zakat, waqf, Islamic finance, and interest-free loans. These initiatives co
ntribute to achieving the development goals of the General Assembly in several areas, most notably poverty alleviation, enhancing education and health, supporting small and medium enterprises, and promoting social justice. In summary, Islamic social financing initiatives can be part of the broader solutions the UN General Assembly seeks to promote for sustainable development and social justice.

Source: Qatar News Agency