UN: South Sudan on Brink of Food Catastrophe


Directors of three agencies of the United Nations have warned that inaction to handle complex food, climate and insecurity crises in South Sudan would shatter livelihoods and futures for millions across South Sudan.

In a statement on Tuesday, upon wrapping up a three-day visit to the South Sudan, Director-General of FAO Qu Dongyu, the President of IFAD Alvaro Lario, and the Executive Director of WFP Cindy McCain called for further investments in South Sudan to avoid a catastrophic food crisis, stressing that food crisis in South Sudan would deteriorate unless prompt measures were taken, in addition to investing in resilience ability.

The three UN officials met communities who are grappling with the effects of severe weather events, which, coupled with a lack of infrastructure, are worsening the countrys humanitarian crisis, threatening farms and agro-pastoral livelihoods, and causing displacements. (QNA)

Source: Qatar News Agency