UNIDO Palestine organizes a regional meeting in Cairo on clean technology solutions


Under the title: Clean technology solutions for early recovery and reconstruction in the Gaza Strip and green economic recovery in the West Bank

Cairo – Together – The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Palestine concluded, today, Tuesday, a regional meeting for investment in clean technology, which continued over two days, in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, entitled: ‘Clean technology solutions for early recovery, reconstruction in the Gaza Strip and recovery.’ The green economy in the West Bank.

UNIDO said in a statement issued by it that the meeting comes ‘as a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing the transformative power of clean technologies for early recovery, reconstruction and economic recovery in post-conflict scenarios, and facilitating communication between Palestinian entrepreneurs in the field of clean technology and investors from the Republic of Egypt.’ Arab and the region.

The meeting, which was organized within the framework of UNIDO’s ‘Sustainable’ program, fun
ded by the European Union and implemented in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy, in cooperation with the Energy and Natural Resources Authority, aimed to encourage investment in sustainable solutions that focus on early recovery and reconstruction in the Gaza Strip and recovery. The green economy in the West Bank.

The meeting was organized in partnership with the European Union Representative Office in Jerusalem and the Ministry of National Economy, and included two sessions. The first session presented the visions of high-level speakers, including representatives from the United Nations, the European Union, and the Palestinian government, who discussed the pivotal role of clean technology in promoting innovation in Economic development, especially in developing countries and post-conflict areas.

The second session highlighted a group of Palestinian startup companies: Agriotech, Aquai, Eco-Bricks, Daleel Key, Flowless, Free Wind Turbine, Glean Sorting and Recycling, Ice-Tech, and Green Agri P
al. , Nanotechnology for Water and Environmental Systems, Palgy, Plastic to Fuel Gaza, Sustain Tech, Solar Food, and Syngas, showcasing their innovative solutions and growth models.

UNIDO added, ‘The Gaza Strip, which has been devastated by unprecedented (Israeli) military operations since October 2023, is suffering from a severe humanitarian crisis. Vital infrastructure, including housing, energy, water, sanitation, industry, health and education facilities, has been severely affected.’ ‘This poses continuing challenges to recovery and reconstruction efforts.’

She stressed that urgent action on the ground is necessary to meet the urgent needs of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and that support is necessary to provide the private sector and institutions in the West Bank with the necessary means to overcome the severe economic recession that they are currently suffering from.

She noted, ‘Amid these challenges, clean and green technology solutions are emerging as vital catalysts for early recovery and gr
een rebuilding efforts for the Gaza Strip, offering sustainable alternatives to meet immediate infrastructure needs while enhancing long-term resilience. Renewable energy sources also offer opportunities to mitigate energy shortages.’ electricity and ensuring reliable and sustainable energy supplies for homes, businesses and essential services.’

She pointed out that ‘integrating green technologies into the reconstruction process works to enhance environmentally friendly restoration processes, with a focus on sustainability in construction, energy efficiency, and developing environmentally friendly infrastructure. For investors, investing in the clean technology sector represents an opportunity to support emerging companies with Social and environmental awareness, which has great growth potential, especially in post-conflict contexts.’

During the opening session, the representative of UNIDO in Egypt, Patrick Jean Guilabert, said, ‘The clean technology solutions offered today by Palestinian startups are an ex
ample of flexibility and innovation, demonstrating their ability to seize opportunities and achieve maximum results.’

He added: ‘These startups represent inclusive entrepreneurship, led by skilled and creative women and men, with the aim of stimulating job creation. We welcome these startups that can make a difference not only in Palestine but also in Egypt and the region. As such, UNIDO Egypt We are committed to facilitating this partnership and supporting the development of networking opportunities.’

In this context, the Deputy Special Coordinator, Resident Coordinator in the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, and Humanitarian Coordinator in the Palestinian Territory, Muhannad Hadi, emphasized the broader impact of these initiatives.

Hadi said: ‘This pioneering initiative confirms the pivotal role of green and flexible clean technology solutions in providing emergency responses and early recovery, once they can be implemented on the ground. It also emphasi
zes the importance of rebuilding the economy and urban fabric in the Gaza Strip in a better way, as well as in reviving the economy of the West Bank, Especially in light of the ongoing challenges.’

In turn, the Head of Cooperation at the European Union Office in Jerusalem, Ibrahim Al-Afia, highlighted the economic necessity and the role of sustainable energy.

Al-Afiya said: ‘The current unprecedented crisis has contributed to a rapid increase in the cost of energy, especially for companies and industries, which has worsened Palestinian economic estimates. This obliges the Palestinian public and private sectors to focus on sustainable energy solutions, which can be an excellent tool for mitigation.’ From the impact of the crisis and enhancing the competitiveness of the Palestinian industrial sector.’

He added, ‘The dynamic Palestinian startups in the field of clean and green technology supported by the Mustadama program, which presented their presentations at this regional meeting, are the best actors who c
an provide a response by imagining highly innovative solutions.’

For his part, the CEO of the Palestinian Investment Promotion and Industrial Estates Authority, Ahmed Al-Haj Hassan, referred to the strategic initiatives for innovation and market access.

Hajj Hassan said: ‘Enhancing innovation capacity, facilitating technology transfer, and enhancing market access are at the core of the mission of the Palestinian Investment Promotion Authority and Industrial Estates, and its strategy is consistent with the vision presented by UNIDO’s Palestine Clean Technology Innovation Programme, which aims to enhance Industrial competitiveness through innovative and flexible clean technology ideas.’

He added, “This approach is pivotal not only in promoting the green transition but also in promoting sustainable recovery and reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, along with green economic recovery in the West Bank.”

For his part, the Director of Programs and Head of the UNIDO Office in Palestine, Ahmed Al-Farra, touched on the
comprehensive goal of the meeting and the required joint effort.

Al-Farra said: ‘We are committed to taking advantage of clean technology for the early recovery and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, with the aim of reviving the economy, including the West Bank, and restoring hope for the future.’

He added: ‘The innovative solutions proposed by startups provide the dual benefits of environmental regeneration and economic reuse. These solutions also address the critical relationship between the energy, food and water sectors, providing opportunities to rebuild infrastructure and enhance food production under difficult conditions. It is necessary to enable Implementing these solutions, taking advantage of the unique match to the local context.’

He continued: ‘To support this initiative, our goal is to create a collaborative platform with partners to develop and disseminate these solutions, not only in Palestine but also in other conflict-affected areas.’

During the second session, which was moderated by Ulga
r Rataj, the Industrial Development Officer in the Global Clean Technology Innovation Program at UNIDO, the participating Palestinian startups presented their solutions before a committee that included: Program Director and Head of the UNIDO Office in Palestine, Ahmed Al-Farra, and the CEO of the Investment and Cities Promotion Authority. The Palestinian industrialist Ahmed Al-Hajj Hassan, the private sector development advisor at UNIDO, Bashir Al-Rayes, the industrial development expert at UNIDO, Anna Chiara Scandoni, and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Palestinian Trade Center (PalTrade), Faisal Al-Shawa.

The second day of the meeting also included a busy agenda for the UNIDO mission in Palestine with investors and business leaders, and various meetings aimed at promoting new investment opportunities for emerging companies and strengthening business relations within the broader regional network.

UNIDO said: ‘These efforts highlight our commitment to supporting emerging companies in thei
r growth and expansion, which drives sustainable economic development in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.’

She stated that ‘Sustainable’ is a comprehensive five-year program extending until the end of 2024, and its primary mission is to enhance competitiveness within the Palestinian industrial sector through effective promotion and facilitation of the adoption of sustainable energy solutions.

She pointed out that the program aims to lay the foundations for an environment suitable for renewable energy and energy efficiency for Palestinian industry, through developing policies, expertise and clean technology innovations that would help alleviate the ongoing shortage of energy sources and high electricity costs that have been a reality in Palestine for decades.

She said: With a primary focus on small and medium-sized enterprises operating in these sectors such as furniture, food, agriculture, metal industries, building materials and clothing, in addition to other priority sectors identified in Palestine, the
‘Sustainable’ program works to facilitate the activation and enforcement of energy and energy efficiency guidelines. Renewable energy, and supports the implementation of model projects that showcase the benefits of innovative, locally manufactured sustainable energy solutions, and encourages the expansion of these solutions in the industrial sector. The ‘Sustainable’ program also contributes to the global environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels among targeted industries.

She added: The program consists of four interconnected elements: strengthening the policy and regulatory environment for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the industrial sector, developing local capabilities to design and implement renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the industrial sector and thus promoting the creation of green job opportunities in the energy sector, and creating demand for energy technologies. Clean technology in the industrial sector, supporting the green economy
agenda, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the clean technology sector.

She added that the program is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy in cooperation with the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

Source: Maan News Agency