Upper House Speaker to Take Part in 49th PAM Bureau Meeting Scheduled for June 4-8 in Rome


In his capacity as President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Enaam Mayara, President of the House of Councillors, will take part in the 49th PAM Bureau meeting, scheduled for June 4-8 in Rome.

The Upper House said in a press release that this participation is an opportunity for Mayara to meet with government officials and parliamentarians representing the Republics of Italy and San Marino in the framework of his presidency of the PAM, with a view to strengthening cooperation, coordination and convergence of views on issues of common interest.

Mayara was unanimously elected as the new president of this international parliamentary organization for the period 2023-2024 at the end of its 17th plenary session, held recently at the Moroccan parliament.

The PAM is an international organization created in 2005 by the national parliaments of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It is the legal successor to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean (CSCM), launched in the early 1990s.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse