Upper House Speaker to visit Jordan, Middle East and Israel on September 1-8


House of Councillors’ Speaker, Enaam Mayara, also President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), is expected to visit the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Middle East region, and Israel from September 1 to 8.

From September 1st to the 4th, Mayara will lead an official delegation of parliamentarians on a visit to the Kingdom of Jordan, upon the invitation extended by Faysal Akef Al Fayez, the President of the Jordanian Senate (Council of Notables), according to a press release by the Upper House.

This visit is part of the ongoing momentum of exceptional relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which are fostered under the guidance of the two nations’ leaders, His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His brother, His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein.

According to the release, this visit is also aligned with the objective of enhancing collaborative parliamentary action between the House of Councillors and the Jordanian Senate, as well as advancing bilateral cooperation across various sectors and pertinent issues of mutual concern. Moreover, the visit aims to strengthen coordination and consultation within diverse international platforms for the benefit of the two fraternal nations.

Within the same context, Mayara, serving as PAM President, will pay a visit to the Middle East region, leading a parliamentary delegation composed of members of the bureau of this regional parliamentary organization, says the press release.

In conjunction with the 50th meeting of the Bureau of this regional parliamentary organization, the itinerary for this visit, scheduled from September 5th to 8th, includes on-site visits, engagements with United Nations representatives, as well as discussions with parliamentary and governmental officials in Amman, Ramallah, and Al Quds.

This visit serves to underscore “the priority given by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, as a platform for dialogue and communication and a channel for parliamentary diplomacy, to issues linked to the Middle East peace process, knowing that this Parliament represents the sole forum wherein Palestine and Israel engage, through their respective national parliaments, in a constructive and continuous dialogue alongside representatives from neighboring parliaments across the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions,” explains the press release.

This initiative will be an opportunity for Mayara to “emphasize the role of the Kingdom, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, in promoting peace in the Middle East and consecrating security, stability, coexistence, development and prosperity for the populations of the region,” adds the same source.

Mayara will also take this opportunity to “reiterate Morocco’s unwavering and unambiguous stance, under the insightful guidance of His Majesty the King, in support of the Palestinian cause and Al-Quds Al-Sharif, alongside the Kingdom’s rejection of any violation of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. This includes their entitlement to establish an independent state, with East Al-Quds as its capital,” the same source adds.

This visit will be also “an occasion to reiterate the role of His Majesty the King, in His capacity as the Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, in efforts to preserve the special status of the Holy City of Al-Quds, uphold the freedom of worship for the followers of the three monotheistic religions, and protect the Islamic identity of the Holy City and the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Emphasis will also be laid on “the important role of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency as the executive mechanism of the Al-Quds Committee, and its efforts, under the supervision of His Majesty the King, to execute tangible projects and initiatives in fields such as healthcare, education, housing, and the social sphere for the benefit of the Makdessian population in order to provide them with respectable livelihoods, bolstering their resilience and improve their social and living conditions,” states the release.

During his visit, Upper house speaker will underline Morocco’s determination to build on its historic and important role, led by His Majesty the King, in favor of the Palestinian cause, as well as its distinguished relations with all parties and active international forces, in order to create the right conditions for relaunching negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, as the only way to achieve security and stability in the Middle East.

In a similar context, the House of Councillors’ Speaker will undertake an official visit to the Knesset on September 7, at the invitation of the Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, Amir Ohna. This visit coincides with the presence of a delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, aiming to “explore avenues and methods for strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two legislative bodies and to examine a spectrum of subjects and matters of shared concern,” as articulated in the press release.

The press release concludes by noting that this initiative is aligned with the mutual desire to capitalize on and enshrine, at the parliamentary level, the accomplishments of the trilateral agreement signed between the Kingdom of Morocco, the United States of America, and Israel in December 2020, under the auspices of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, as well as to reinforce the momentum of bilateral relations between the parliamentary institutions of Morocco and Israel.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse