Day: September 15, 2021

Press Releases

Richard McLaren Releases Report on Allegations of Abuse in Mali’s Women’s Basketball Program

TORONTO, Sept. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — In his capacity as the International Basketball Federation’s (FIBA) Integrity Officer, Professor Richard McLaren, O.C., and his team at McLaren Global Sport Solutions (MGSS), supported by Harod Associates, have delivered their report on allegations of abuse in the Fédération Malienne de Basketball (FMBB). The allegations came to FIBA’s attention in […]

Arabic Press Releases

‫مشاركة Newgen في فعالية قمة الابتكار المصرفي في الشرق الأوسط بلس (MEBIS Plus) 2021 في دبي

خبراء متخصصون لمشاركة كيف يمكن لحلول Newgen  المصرفية المتصلة ببعضها بعضًا تحويل المؤسسات المالية دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة 15 سبتمبر / أيلول 2021 /PRNewswire/ —  أعلنت Newgen Software، المزود لمنصة التحول الرقمي على الصعيد العالمي، عن مشاركتها في فعالية قمة الابتكار المصرفي في الشرق الأوسط بلس 2021 (MEBIS)، المقرر عقدها في دبي في يومي 15 […]


Report Points to Success in Global Campaign Against Cluster Bombs

Authors of the Cluster Munition Monitor 2021 report say great progress toward the elimination of these lethal weapons has been made since the Cluster Ban Treaty came into force in 2010.The Monitor finds there has been no new use of cluster munitions by…


African Leaders Discuss Ways to Minimize Impact of Climate Change

High-level African officials met virtually this week to discuss the challenges Africa faces in trying to manage a growing population amid climate change. The conference was aimed at identifying ways African governments can manage these pressures to mi…


UN Withdraws Gabon Peacekeepers in Central African Republic

The United Nations is withdrawing 450 Gabonese peacekeepers from its mission in Central African Republic following allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, Gabon’s government said Wednesday. “Following the numerous cases of allegations of exploit…