Day: July 5, 2022


Algeria marks 60 years of independence from France

ALGIERS— Algeria marks 60 years of independence from France on Tuesday with a huge military parade, but memories of violence during the colonial period continue to overshadow ties between the two.The North African country won its independence following…


Malawi ‘Exporting’ Nurses Because of Unemployment

Malawi’s National Organization for Nurses and Midwives says about 2,000 nurses will leave the country this year for jobs in Saudi Arabia and the United States. The group says the nurses were forced to take jobs abroad due to high unemployment in Malawi…

Medical & Health

Spain Urges NATO to Address Threats from North Africa

Southern European states including Italy and Spain are urging NATO allies to address threats from North Africa, after the alliance agreed on a new “strategic concept” at its summit last week in Madrid.’Hostile actors’While the war in Ukraine dominates …

Medical & Health

Two UN Peacekeepers Killed in Mali, Several Wounded

At least two U.N. peacekeepers from Egypt are dead and more are wounded after their convoy hit an improvised explosive device Tuesday, the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) said Tuesday.The explosion hap…