Day: July 6, 2022


South Africa’s President Speaks at Funeral of 21 Teens

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the eulogy Wednesday at a funeral for 21 teenagers who died at a bar last month under mysterious circumstances.Investigators said the teenagers likely were poisoned by something they ingested, while som…


UN: 828 Million More People Faced Hunger in 2021

The United Nations warned Wednesday that the world is failing in its efforts to eradicate hunger, as 828 million more people had too little to eat in 2021 — 150 million more than before the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2019.The State of Food Security an…


Africa Democracy Summit Calls On Leaders to Respect Term Limits

Botswana is hosting an international meeting aimed at strengthening democracy and adherence to constitutions in Africa. Participants are calling on African militaries and leaders to respect term limits after several recent coups and efforts to extend t…