Earthquake: Pursuant to High Royal Instructions, Interior Minister Chairs two Meetings in Provinces of Al Haouz and Taroudant


Pursuant to the High Royal Instructions, Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, chaired two meetings on Sunday afternoon in the prefectures of the provinces of Al Haouz and Taroudant, in the presence of the governors of the provinces most affected by the earthquake, as well as representatives of the security and external services and elected representatives of the provinces concerned.

Speaking on this occasion, Laftit recalled the High Royal Instructions calling for the consequences of this disaster to be addressed and its effects mitigated, stressing that the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) had deployed, as a matter of urgency, significant human and logistical resources, both air and ground, as well as specialized intervention modules based on Search and Rescue teams and a Field Medical-Surgical Hospital (HMCC).

The Minister announced that the affected areas were being fully mobilized to provide the necessary care and assistance, adding that all the necessary material resources would be mobilized for this purpose.

Laftit stressed that, in order to ensure efficient management of this tragedy, the public authorities had adopted an approach aimed at harmonizing and complementing their interventions, based on the principles of efficiency, celerity and comprehensiveness, in order to manage this stage with a sense of wisdom, thanks to the collective commitment stemming from strong coordination between the various components of the public authorities.

He expressed his conviction that our country is capable of overcoming this situation, despite the difficult challenges and constraints posed by the power of the earthquake, especially as all institutions have shown responsible commitment to implementing the High Royal Instructions.

The Minister paid tribute to those working on the front lines, namely members of the Royal Armed Forces, agents and auxiliaries of authority and all the security services, namely the Royal Gendarmerie, National Security, Auxiliary Forces and Civil Protection, as well as the executives and agents of the departments concerned, underlining the responsible commitment of citizens in the face of this disaster.

He called for greater efforts to be made at this delicate time for the country, and for collective mobilization to be stepped up, national cohesion to be strengthened and public authorities to be supported, so that everyone can live up to the expectations of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him.

The Minister stressed that the measures taken by the various authorities would only have the desired effect if the local population were fully behind them and fully committed to supporting their efforts and following their directives, noting that collective responsibility required maintaining a maximum level of vigilance.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse