Indian Prime Minister Declares His Coalition’s Victory in General Elections


New Delhi, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared the victory of his coalition in the Indian parliamentary elections that recently took place in the country.

Modi wrote on his account on the X social media platform Tuesday that the people have expressed their confidence in their ruling coalition for the third time in a row.

Meanwhile, Indian television channels reported that the Modi-led coalition is heading for a majority win during the vote counting so far in the general elections,Tuesday, but the numbers are much lower than the landslide victory expected by opinion polls when voters leave the polling stations.

Modi led his party to landslide elections in 2014 and 2019.

Voters in India cast their votes on the first of this month in the final stage of the general elections, which is the seventh and final stage of the elections in which nearly a billion people were entitled to cast their votes to determine the fate of 904 candidates competing for 57 seats.

Source: Qatar News Agency