Mikati following “Governmental Emergency Committee” meeting reveals that displaced number is reaching one million, affirms that no matter how long the war, we will return to Resolution 1701 & army is ready to implement


Prime Minister Najib Mikati chaired a meeting of the “Government Emergency Committee” this morning at the Grand Serail, which was devoted to discussing the diplomatic contacts underway to reach a diplomatic solution that leads to a ceasefire.

The concerned caretaker ministers also briefed the committee members on the conditions of the displaced families who were forced to flee their homes in the areas witnessing aggression. The Prime Minister indicated that the Emergency Authority provided the needed statistics in this regard, noting that the number of displaced persons is approaching one million, denoting the largest displacement operation in history, whereby the government is exerting all efforts to meet their urgent needs within the available capabilities.

“The state is doing everything necessary and is mobilizing all its apparatuses to secure this matter. The Lebanese also have great chivalry, and we can only thank everyone who helped, opened their homes, and provided the necessary assistance to the she
lters and other centers,” Mikati said.

He added, “It was agreed that the Ministries of Social Affairs and Education would assume their responsibilities and follow up on the issue, and we are trying to distribute tasks among the departments and ministries to follow up on each shelter center according to its specialization.” He also indicated that the Public Health Minister presented a full report on the situation and his ministry is excellently performing its role.

Mikati also revealed that the governors will be invited to meet at the Grand Serail within the next two days with the relevant ministers to discuss all issues and listen to their requests and needs within their scope of duties. As for the issue of donations, the Prime Minister indicated that instructions were given to the Director General of Customs to accept all donations immediately without collecting customs dues, and to facilitate their entry on condition that the donor and the administration granting the donation are known. “As for the fundin
g process, it is divided into two parts, internal and external. On this subject, we will hold a meeting next Tuesday, most likely, with the donor agencies and donor countries, asking them to help at this stage, and there will be coordination between all to provide the funds under the monitoring and supervision of the Lebanese state.’

Asked about the diplomatic efforts he is undertaking, Mikati replied: ‘We will not hesitate for a moment to pursue the diplomatic role, and we have no choice but the diplomatic option. Since the beginning of the crisis, we have called for implementing Resolution 1701, and I also mentioned the matter in my address at the Security Council, and all our positions confirm this…No matter how long the war lasts, we will eventually return to Resolution #1701…The army is ready for this matter, and we must provide it with the requirements to be present. Today the army is present on the border and sometimes we cannot secure food for it, because the trucks that provide food are exposed
to aggression. Therefore, all our contacts focus on implementing this resolution.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon