Morocco Home of Major International Sporting Events, Says ISF President


Morocco is a home to major sporting events in all categories and on different scales, both continental and global, Laurent Petrynka, president of the International School Sport Federation (ISF), said in Rabat on Sunday.

In a statement to the press at the end of the opening ceremony of the World School Football Championship, organized under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI from July 22 to 31 in Morocco, he said that the organization of this sporting event of international scope reflects Morocco’s vision for a sport that benefits all, in particular its youth, and the priority of the world body for school sport. The president added that this shared vision has made it possible to set up an exemplary cooperation with Moroccan school sport bodies.

“Morocco offers a high quality of organization in terms of sports infrastructures, accommodation and logistics”, Petrynka emphasized, highlighting that these technical aspects had been carried out under the best possible conditions.

“This grandiose opening ceremony is a cornerstone that has been added to the ISF edifice”, the official stressed, noting that the organization of this event “has brought to the fore committed Moroccan youth, bearers of the values of peace, interculturality and living together”.

For his part, Abdesslam Mili, director of School Sport at the Ministry of National Education, Preschool Learning and Sports, affirmed that Moroccan schools have the artistic and technical skills and capabilities that were so evident at the opening ceremony and in all other aspects of the World Schools Football Championship.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse