
Palestine Renews its Demand to Stop Continuous Israeli Aggression on Its Land and Sanctities

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs renewed Thursday its call on the international community to intervene quickly to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, and provide protection for them and for Jerusalem and its sanctities, especially the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In a statement, the Ministry condemned the occupation forces and settlers’ storming of the city of Nablus, which resulted in the death of a young man and the injury of dozens, the settler incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque and religious, archaeological and historical sites in the West Bank, and the demolitions and delivery of notices to demolish homes and facilities committed by the occupation in areas classified as “C”.

It affirmed that these violations and crimes fall within a colonial and expansionist scheme that undermines any opportunity to embody the State of Palestine on the ground, with East Jerusalem as its capital, holding the government of the Israeli entity fully responsible for these violations and crimes.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation forces continue to harass the Palestinian people in all the occupied lands, violate religious sanctities, annex lands unlawfully, and displace the population under the eyes and ears of the entire world, without adhering to international covenants and resolutions.

Source: Qatar News Agency